Monday, August 3, 2009

It's Fun Being Green!

They say knowledge is power. Our habitat helpers learned all about the animals and plants in their habitats today. In the photo above, the Black & White group explore the aquatic creatures that live in our Muddy Pond.

Invasive, non-native species are the second greatest threat to endangered species, after habitat destruction. Turgundy learned about the threats of exotic plants, then removed invasive, non-native grasses from the Channel Islands ecosystem in the Center. After removing the grasses they planted Golden Eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium californicum) - a native wetland species.

Mr. Dan taught the Green Group all about owls - an important top predator - then they created owls out of recycled TP rolls!

Ms. Kathy taught the blue group all about Birds of Prey, which are responsible for keeping the ecosystem in balance! In the photo above a camper touches a real owl talon. Below, a camper touches a hawk talon.

The Red & Purple group created bird houses, to help provide habitat for birds in their yards.

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