Thursday, August 6, 2009

Habitat Helpers Naturama!

What can you do with those stale bagels? Give them to the birds! Spread Peanut Butter and coat with native seeds to make a yummy treat for your feathered friends.

Tashi & Jane got a promotion to Camp Teacher status for the day - they ran a teaching station using recycled toilet paper rolls and bottle caps to make a "cup and ball" game. It was a HUGE hit! Way to go with the leadership skills, ladies!

Cindy & Frank helped the kids decorate their bags -generously donated from Mother's Market.

Jeanine & Leslie showed the campers how to create Furoshiki, the Japanese Art of gift wrapping. It's a neat way to wrap gifts and have something you can re-use rather than throw away. They showed the kids how to use their bandanas to wrap a sandwich, to wear on their heads, etc. Then they used their bandanas to eat freshly popped popcorn, which did NOT come individually wrapped in disposable paper bags!

Leslie gave campers "pizza" or cinnamon sugar flavoring for their popcorn.

Dan & Kathy showed everyone how to use old magazines and recycled greeting cards to create NEW cards!

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