Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Green Tie Affair - Art Exhibit Featured Artists - Wally Pacholka

The Environmental Nature Center (ENC) will be hosting its Green Tie Affair in celebration of its 40th Anniversary. The art exhibit for the event will start May 21 and will conclude on June 2, the evening of the event. Many talented local artists will have their works on display.

Wally Pacholka

Wally Pacholka was an accountant by day, but it's his moonlighting "job" where he's always shined. He's aglow in winning national awards for his pictures, lofty kudos for being in the right place in the middle of nowhere in the dead of night.

Pacholka shoots celestial events — comets, close visits by other planets, meteor showers and the occasional Milky Way cluster — with our national parks and other down-to-earth scenery gracing the foregrounds of his frames.

Ventura County Star Not exactly an original pursuit to anyone who recalls the 1960 Ansel Adams masterpiece "Moon and Half Dome," but the freelance astrophotographer does it well, too. Pacholka is a three-time "Picture of the Year" winner for Time and Life magazines' end-of-year photograph editions. Both magazines honored him in 2003 for shots he took when Mars made its closest pass to Earth in almost 60,000 years, and Time also tabbed him in 1997 for a picture he took of Comet Hale-Bopp above Joshua Tree National Park.

National Geographic also has used several of his shots, and NASA has shown more than two dozen of his images, including 22 of them as the "Astronomy Picture of the Day" on its Web site.

The 57-year-old Long Beach resident left accounting three years ago and now focuses full time on his passion — sayonara book ledgers and hello rocky ledges, the kind on which he can mount his camera tripod and await the majesty of the heavens.

View Wally's art here:

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